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School Work

The Nation

Subscribe below to recieve Paul's regular school news in his ENEWS, emailed to you through Mail Chimp. 

If you are able help support Paul's ministry and school work, please use the PayPal donate button.  


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Click the link below to follow Paul on Twitter.

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Paul has always had a real desire and vision to work with primary schools, presenting assemblies and connecting school with local churches. Many other Christians and churches around the country are doing the same, investing into their local schools. 


You can be part of this work with your prayer and partnership. 



There are many Christian workers who regularly visit schools across the country. Your prayers add greatly this work and are extrememly valued.  I would encourage you to discover, connect with and pray for Christian workers in your area.


You can also pray specifically for Paul's school work: Follow him on Twitter to see daily updates about school and other events, also see those posts live on the home page of this website. Or you can subscribe to recieve Paul's regular ENEWS through Mail Chimp. 



Investing into schools is only possible with the partnership of churches and individuals, who are able to support the work financially.  If you are able to support a Christian worker in school you are investing for the future.  Are you in a position to help fund Christian schools work near you?


You can make a one off donation to Paul's work by using the PayPal donate button here.  For tax efficient giving through Stewardship, please email Paul from the contact page, and further details will be sent to you.



Maybe you are in a postition where you are able to visit schools yourself.  There are many way you can connect with schools:

Offering help with listening to readers, running a stall at the summer fayre, or even just sharpening pencils is support appreciated by schools.  Can you make tea? How about once a week offering to make the drinks for all the staff, this can be a big help when all teaching staff havve only 15 minutes before being back in class.


If you are thinking more about presenting assemblies to the children, below are a few websites with some excellent resources and ideas for some great asemblies or even RE lessons:


Or maybe, for other activities in school try these:


Paul creates a brand new assembly theme each month. To see some if his 'fantastic' ideas, that he uses with his puppet characters check out his assembly blog hereRemember to check back next every now and then to see any new ideas.  


If you have any ideas that you would like to share here, please email Paul though the contact page. 



© 2022 Paul Willmott ( All rights reserved.

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